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I am a Ph.D. student at the Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics Department at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities.


Prior to starting my Ph.D. I obtained my master's degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University at Buffalo,  New York. During my masters, I worked at the advance navigation and controls lab, my primary focus was on improving algorithms to effectively classify space debris using data association methods.  I also developed adaptive control laws for satellites in formation flying.


At the University of Minnesota, I am a graduate research assistant in the Aerospace Controls Lab. My current research interests lie at the intersection of control theory, fluid mechanics and machine learning.  The focus of my current work has been on developing a robust control framework for non-linear fluid flow analysis. I also work on developing reduced-order models and control strategies for suppression of sub-critical transition in flow control applications. I am interested in solving challenging problems in the domain of fluid flow physics, systems engineering, and robotics. In the future, I wish to explore applications of systems theory in medical sciences and neuroscience, wherein, I can apply my expertise and problem-solving abilities to contribute to the scientific community.


Just like my research interests, my general interests are very diverse. To name a few - I enjoy running, kickboxing, traveling, reading, watching sports and documentaries. If you share any common interests and are interested in my work, please feel free to reach out to me.


I hope you have fun looking around!

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